Ultrahigh resolution Atomic Force Microscopy Using High Frequency Low Amplitude of Drive with Photothermal Excitation, Hideki Kawakatsu, Kougaku 42-2, 77 (2013) (in japanese)
Molecular resolution of a dioleoyl-Sn-glycero-phosphocholine lipid bilayer in liquid by phase modulation atomic force microscopy
Antonin Hoel, Toshihisa Osaki, Shoji Takeuchi, Sebastian Volz, and Hideki Kawakatsu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 063117 (2012)
Application of a new microcantilever biosensor resonating at the air–liquid interface for direct insulin detection and continuous monitoring of enzymatic reactions, Jungwook Park, Stanislav L. Karsten, Shuhei Nishida, Hideki Kawakatsu and Hiroyuki Fujita, Lab on Chip, DOI: 10.1039/c2lc40232g, July (2012)
High-resolution cantilever biosensor resonating at air–liquid in a microchannel, Jungwook Park, Shuhei Nishida, Pierre Lambert, Hideki Kawakatsu and Hiroyuki Fujita, Lab on Chip, Aug. (2011)
Small single-crystal silicon cantilevers formed by crystal facets for atomic force microscopy, Kazuhisa Nakagawa, Gen Hashiguchi,and Hideki Kawakatsu
RSI 80, 095104 (2009)
Dithering-amplitude dependence of STM-regulated dynamic lateral force microscopy maps on Si(111)7x7, Naruo Sasaki, Shigeki Kawai and Hideki Kawakatsu, Phys. Rev B 80, 193402 (2009)
Photothermal excitation of a single-crystalline silicon cantilever for higher vibration modes in liquid, Shuhei Nishida, Dai Kobayashi, and Hideki Kawakatsu, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27, 964 (2009).
Direct mapping of the lateral force gradient on Si(111)-7x7, S Kawai, N. Sasaki and H. Kawakatsu, Phys. Rev B, 195412 (2009).
Surface-relaxation-induced giant corrugation on graphite(0001), Phys. Rev. B 79, 115440 (2009).
Low amplitude high frequency atomic force microscopy, H. Kawakatsu, J. Vac. Soc. Jpn. 51, 11, (2008) (in japanese)
Photothermal excitation and laser Doppler velocimetry of higher cantilever vibration modes for dynamic atomic force microscopy in liquid , Shuhei Nishida, Dai Kobayashi, Takeo Sakurada, Tomonori Nakazawa, Yasuo Hoshi, and Hideki Kawakatsu, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 123703 (2008)
Suspended HOPG nanosheets for HOPG nanoresonator engineering and new carbon nanostructure synthesis, F.Rose, A.Debray, P.Martin, H.Fujita, H.Kawakatsu, Nanotechnology, Vol.17, pp.5192-5200
Mechanical atom manipulation with small amplitude dynamic force microscopy, S. Kawai, H. Kawakatsu, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, p. 023113
Atomically resolved amplitude modulation dynamic force microscopy with a high-frequency and high-quality factor cantilever
Shigeki Kawai, Hideki Kawakatsu
Applied Physics Letters, Vol.89, p.013108
Application of capillary forces and stiction for lateral displacement, alignment, suspension and locking of self-assembled microcantilevers
F Rose, M Hattori, D Kobayashi, H Toshiyoshi, H Fujita and H Kawakatsu, J. Micromech. Microeng. 16, 2077 (2006)
Adsorption and combing of DNA on HOPG surfaces of bulk crystals and nanosheets: application to the bridging of DNA between HOPG/Si heterostructures
F.Rose, P.Martin, H.Fujita, H.Kawakatsu
Nanotechnology, Vol.17, pp.3325-3332
Atomically resolved observation of the quenched Si(111) surface with small amplitude dynamic force microscopy
S.Kawai, F.Rose, T.Ishii, H.Kawakatsu
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 99, pp. 104312-1_6
Atomically resolved dynamic force microscopy operating at 4.7 MHz
S.Kawai and H.Kawakatsu
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88, pp. 133103-1-3
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy and Topography of Si(111)-c(2x8)and Coexisting 7x7 and 2x1 Reconstructions: Surface Electronic Band Structure
F.Rose, S.Kawai, T. Ishii, and H.Kawakatsu
Physical Review B, Vol. 73, p. 045310_1-7
Low reactivity of molecular oxygen with Si(111)-c(2×8)"
F.Rose, S.Kawai, and H.Kawakatsu
Surface Science, Vol. 600, pp. 106-115
Real-time observation of FIB-created dots
and ripples on GaAs
F Rose1,2,4 , H Fujita1,2 and H Kawakatsu1,2,3
Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 035301 (7pp)
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